Life Philosophy

Building Good Habits Is Easier Than Changing Bad Habits

10 Rules to Live By


You can’t love or care for others until you do yourself. This is a precursor to “The Golden Rule”

It’s kind of like the oxygen mask on the airplane situation … put yours on before you help someone else.

This is not being “selfish”, it’s “self-care”.


Respect: Respect yourself and others.

Responsibility: If you’re truly responsible to yourself, you will make good choices and take actions that strive to make all aspects of your life (family, friends, relationships, education, career, health, etc.) successful.


Your Measure of Success Should Include Happiness

Including happiness in success forces you to define what exactly happiness means to you.

Too many people only consider money, possession, job status, etc. when defining their success.

When climbing the ladder of success, “If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
– Stephen R. Covey

Happiness Matters
Be Grateful of Others


Be Grateful

Gratitude is the best defense against depression.

We all experience some level of depression from time to time but it’s difficult to be sad when you’re grateful and focus on the good things in life.

Gratitude is also a remedy for thinking everyone’s life is better than yours and that you need what they have to be happy.


Begin With The End In Mind

Think about where you want to go in life, then focus on how to get there.

By having long term goals in mind, even if they seem insurmountable, you’ll know which small steps to take every day to achieve them.

“If we don’t define our goals, we’re almost certain to fail.”
Jordan Peterson

Begin with the End in Mind (Plan Ahead)
Leave Things Better Off Than The Way You Found Them


Leave Things Better Off Than The Way You Found Them

Have a “pay it forward” mentality.

This may sound idealistic but make the world, or at least your small corner of it, a better place.

Don’t be cynical and think “well, no one else pays it forward” so I won’t either.

Be hopeful that your positive actions will inspire others.


Do The Right Thing ... Especially When Nobody's Looking!

It’s easy to do the right thing when others are around.

True character is holding yourself accountable to higher standards when you’re by yourself.

Do the Right Thing
Wise Men Learn From Others


A Smart Man Learns From His Mistakes, A Wise Man Learns From Others

It’s ok to make your own mistakes, but you should always seek to learn from others first.

This has an enormous impact on avoiding big mistakes, such as getting involved with addictive substances or performing criminal acts… those things that could ruin your life!


Don't Be Afraid To Fail. Fail Quickly, Learn, and Repeat!

We never learn from our successes, we only learn from our failures.

It’s not just ok to fail, it’s advantageous.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. Edison

Learn from Failures
Be on the Lookout for Change


Be On The Lookout For Change

Life is constantly changing all around us, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

Fighting change will only cause anxiety. Don’t fight it… Embrace it!

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
– John F. Kennedy

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